In the last week of the term, we enjoyed listening to the wonderfully imaginative story by Spike Milligan called "BADJELLY THE WITCH". We read the book and we listened to the story told by Spike Milligan himself. On the last day of school we all drew our favourite character from the story and wrote a speech bubble to show what they would be saying. We put it all together into a big mural for our classroom. We have taken small snippets form the story and added them to our pictures so you can see how clever and creative we were. We hope you enjoy it and maybe you and your family could listen to the whole story together.
On the last day of the term, we had a special surprise from Archie's mum. She brought their guinea pigs and rabbits in to school. We were amazed because the rabbits could jump really high. It was such a fantastic time.
We read the book "The Way it Was". This book looks at the way life was like for our great great grandparents. We were quite fascinated with all the effort they had to go to just to do their washing. We wrote about what happens when our socks get washed. Here are a sample of a few of our pieces of writing.
This week we have been reading two really fun big books in our class. One was called "The Fun Bus'"and the other one one was called "Captain Quake and Boss Bird". Yesterday we shared our books with each other and did a couple of creative art responses.